*Whistles while traipsing along a pleasantly wooded path*
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone out there made an agreement template specifically intended for commercial photographers?
One that actually protected the rights of the photographer (rather than the other way around), and included clauses that actually preserved that photographer’s sanity? An agreement that, somehow, someway, helped to minimize the occurrences of that *one* client saying, yet again: “Can you just add a few shots in? Can we just push the date out?” at the last minute?
Huh. That’d be nice, wouldn’t it?
It’s a good thing we’re in a good (and nice) mood, because we’ve finally sat down to put together a fully lawyer-reviewed copy of the exact agreement we use with our own clients. Because we were tired of having no one else to refer our friends and colleagues to for a “good and solid agreement that actually covers everything it needs to cover.” So we decided to finally make one, ourselves.
A few things you need to know? Our Commercial Photography Agreement will:
*Give you peace of mind and the knowledge that every single project and client is covered with the same rules and jargon, always.
*Save you TIME so you can stop piecing your own agreements together (while praying it’s all safe and sound).
*Grant you creative relief - meaning that the energy you’d usually spend worrying about your agreement or lack thereof, can and will be diverted elsewhere.
And more technically speaking, our Commercial Photography Agreement includes:
*One fully lawyer-reviewed and approved agreement template, for your use, with clauses that include:
*project timeline
*client responsibilities
*revisions, alterations & additional work
*intellectual property rights and licensing
*promotional rights
*the fact that you’re an independent contractor, thankyouVERYmuch
*mutual confidentiality
*force majeure
*governing law
We also include a list of questions to ask your client in the intake process, to determine if they’re a good fit (you know, before they even sign the agreement in the first place and some advice for using and implementing the agreement.
We’re also including a change order which you can use anytime the client wants to make changes to the contract after it has been signed.
Now, we’ll ask you one question: what’s the cost of your mental health and well-being?
A good agreement can and will save you plenty of money and thousands of tears down the road. We might be biased, but $177 for a contract you can use over, and over and over again? That sounds like a steal to us.
Stop letting other people steal your time, energy, general well-being and money. K?
This contract is not personalized in any way. It is your responsibility to personalize the document and comply with all federal, state and local laws. You understand that no attorney-client relationship is created by receipt or use of this contract.
Because this is a digital product, we cannot offer refunds or exchanges. Please reach out to us with any questions prior to purchase.